Tech Used
- Android Studio: Android Development Environment.
- Java: Programming language for Android Studio.
- Firebase: Backend for Authentication, Database, and Event Listeners.
- Figma: Collaborative design tool for creating UI/UX Design.
University group project which involved creating an Android App and proposal.
Housemate is a collection of innovative tools to help with your household needs by providing users with helpful apps that are shared amongst the family to manage your household.
The main idea behind Housemate is to keep track of different responsibilities in the house. Everyone knows more or less what the responsibilities are in a house, but people often forget to pay bills, forget an item in the shop, or forget what chores they have to do.
Housemate solves these issues by allowing you to create or join your own “Family” consisting of different Housemate users and providing a space where everybody can interact with the other Housemates in real-time.
For example, alongside the chat feature if somebody adds an item to the shopping list, it will show up instantly on your device. This makes Housemate super powerful as it provides organisation for the household in these aspects